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Headache and Car Crashes

Headache and Car Crashes

Texarkana auto injury and headache treatment

We treat many car accident cases in our Texarkana office, and a common symptom we see in our patients is headache. If you have headache after a car accident, don't worry. Back Pain Chiropractic sees this type of condition very often in our Texarkana office. Why is headache such a common condition after an auto collision? How can chiropractic care help you heal? Let's look at the root cause of headache after an auto collision and see how your chiropractor can help. The key to recovering from headache caused by a crash is to understand the root cause of the problem and how chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic care can be very helpful for headache symptoms after a crash.

How Headache Is Caused by an Accident and How Back Pain Chiropractic Can Help You

There are many different types of headache. Headache that's triggered by a car crash, though, usually begins as tension or strain in the muscles of the neck. In a crash, the neck muscles can be damaged, which results in swelling and soreness. These types of headache can be felt in different places, including the back of the head or even the temple.

Another frequent cause of headache after a crash that we see in our Texarkana office is cervicogenic headache, or headaches that originate in injured ligaments of the neck. Ligament injury is very common after a crash, and it's important to get therapy for this type of problem to avoid the creation of scar tissue.

We Can Help People Find Comfort From Neck Pain and Headaches After an Auto Injury

Chiropractic is an effective way to treat headaches, including those triggered by car crashes. Your chiropractor will help reduce the inflammation and tension in your neck, which will help reduce the headache pain.

If you've been injured in a car crash and you're struggling with headache, Back Pain Chiropractic is here to help. First, we'll do a careful examination to establish the root cause of your pain, and then decide how to restore your body's natural functioning. Ready to make an appointment? Give us a call at (870) 774-0951 and we'll get you back on the road to health.

December 20, 2021
chiropractic doctor

Dr. Venita

Dr. Venita takes great pride in helping patients of all ages experience hope and healing through excellent chiropractic care. Her compassionate manner, combined with her extensive skill set, continues to draw patients to the clinic. If for some reason, we are not the right fit, we will help lead you to someone that can provide care to your needs.